“If you are looking for a quality product with unmatched customer service, then you have come to the right spot.”
As the owner of Zpar International my vision for the company is to provide a platform from which the long-forgotten art of customer service can once again rule. Simple things such as answering the phone and not being directed to an automated answering system are a top priority. Also, getting timely responses to emails and providing quotes within a 24-48 hour period are standard operating procedure.
You should never be waiting a week or two for a quote. Without a doubt we are an expert in this industry. Any expert should be fast and efficient with their knowledge and pricing. The bar must be raised! With nearly 15 years of hands on experience, I truly believe there is a limited number of us who can speak with this level of knowledge on the equipment we handle.
I have held a paint gun, put a blast hood on and blast product, assembled the very equipment we sell, submit permits, and walked job-sites with inspectors. There isn’t an aspect of your equipment purchase I am not familiar with or feel uncomfortable in directing you.
In addition to design, sales and installation expertise I also offer consulting for the architectural and engineering firms. My portfolio of business includes significant companies such as Northrop Grumman, Citadel, 20th Century Fox, Disneyland, and the list goes on.
If you are looking for a quality product with unmatched customer service, then you have come to the right spot. Give me a call today to discuss how I can help your business take your finishing process to the next level.
Years ago, we were the install crew who drove around state to state pulling a trailer, doing the installation work after we had just sold a paint booth. We were licensed in the five western states and happy to get a lead a week that we could work endlessly. The customer was always the priority and remains that way today. Many times we even spent money to right a wrong that wasn’t created by us. The goal then and now was to make the customer happy so they would be our reference for the next job. We still proceed that way today and don’t see it ever-changing. It wouldn’t be the right thing to do, not to make the customer the top priority.
Our job is to be the expert. To be an expert, our belief is that one must have experienced all aspects of the process including design, sales, and installation. As a licensed contractor, we understand not only the equipment we sell but what it will take to complete a successful installation. At ZPar International, we have had lots of hands-on experience in everything from putting the equipment together, to walking the permits into a building department, and then running the items upon startup.
Yes, there are a lot of folks out there selling finishing equipment. There are even internet-based equipment sales companies that offer point and click purchases. You are about to make a substantial purchase for your business and your goal should be to make the purchase right the first time. We are here to provide full support for you, architects, and the employees who will use the equipment on a daily basis. Take the time to speak with us to learn how we can partner with you to make your business choices the best for today and tomorrow.
Type in any keyword of a product you are looking to purchase, and you probably get a minimum of ten different companies that can provide you the product or service. So how do we differentiate ourselves from the others in this fast-paced internet world? Well, first we answer the phone.
There is a reason why our own suppliers send us leads. It’s because we answer the phone and get the customers the information they need. Second, without a doubt, our knowledge of the equipment and installation process is second to none. Remember we have used, designed, sold, and installed this equipment so we understand from all aspects of the transaction. Lastly, it’s our commitment to putting customers first. Issues always take top priority and I am not going to deny that they occur because anyone who says otherwise hasn’t been in this business long enough. It’s how you handle the issues is what matters and you will see we put top priority to any issue that arises so that we can help keep customers and installers moving forward.
So, if you are looking for a company that is knowledgeable, customer-focused, accessible, loaded with supplier resources, and is no-nonsense you arrived at the correct location. Call us today to get started.